
Thursday, November 09, 2006

I posted three public questions...

Over at Illinoize on November 1st. These questions are ideologically loaded. I kind of wonder how they got on the ballot. The first one was really designed to cause a particular result...
For the health and saftey of children and the entire community, shall the state of Illinois enact a comprehensive ban on the manufacture, sale, delievery, and possession of military style assault weapons and .50 caliber rifles?
Well anyway there's another post about these questions from the blog Second City Cop. It is outright called a "waste of ballot space". This is what was said about the first question...

The first one read "For the sake of the children..." should Illinois ban .50 caliber weapons? We'd like to present a list of all the children killed in Illinois by .50 caliber weapons: [ ]

Now we'd like to present a list of all the adults killed by .50 caliber weapons in the state of Illinois in the past 100 years: [ ]

And just to give everyone a sense of proportion, he's a list of every single United States citizen killed by a .50 caliber round upon US soil: [ ]

If this ballot "initiative" doesn't prove that Representative and Chicago cop Edward Acevedo is nothing but an empty suit seeking headlines and antigun credentials, we don't know what is. Hey Eddie? Legal firearms don't kill people. Look it up.
And this is what he had to say about the three questions in general...
How about we have a couple referendums about pension funding? Low bid contracting? Having the wife of the governor rack up a cool hundred grand for selling 4 houses during the course of the year, one or more to close political allies who landed jobs for relatives shortly thereafter?

You know, something that might make a difference?
He got almost 17 more responses than I did in posting these questions at Illinoize. But the good thing is I'm definitely not the only one that felt that way when I saw this.

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