
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Last year I did a post here about HBCUs. I really believe in the idea that we can have school perhaps at any level dedicated to eventually educate, train, and even mold future black leaders in any area of study. So a post on the blog at the North Lawdale Community News, they ask the simple question...
Do you think that black colleges are still important to the education of African-American youth?

Would you encourage your son or daughter to attend a black college or university?

What in your opinion is the role of the historically black college in African-American society today?
I wrote a response in the comments section addition to one from another HBCU alumni. I'm sure there are other people with a point of view on this. Especially those of you who are HBCU alumni. Chime in there or here if you'd like OK.

1 comment:

Bill Baar said...

I went to a small Liberal Arts College in Iowa. Originally the school, as were many small LA colleges, was created to train clergy and teachers. They had to change missions... and evolve into a different kind of school.

I hate to lose the small colleges because they're unique histories are so important... but they're probably going to have to redefine the mission from training African American kids because the kids just have other choices now.

I'd hate to lose these schools though.

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