
Monday, February 06, 2006

Black history month...

I forgot that this was black history month. Really everyday is black history month however but I want to do make a big deal about black history month on this blog. In addition to what I usually do here. In any case, I'll see what I can come up with for you.

Oh yeah over on this other blog I just subscribed to, Black Greek Network, had a post about the origins of black history month. In fact the title of this post is The real reason why Black History Month is in the shortest month of the year. It is a brief post but a good one.

1 comment:

Bill Baar said...

Black History month has been a favorite of mine. It's been a boon for local historians who've researched all the local communities. The big insight for me was how spread out African Americans were before 1919... I won't call it integration but they're were spread throughout the metro areas. It was really after the 1919 riots that a policy of deliberate ghettoziation of African Americans occurred and public housing just accelerated it.

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