
Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Liberal Hivemind: The George Floyd situation just got real complicated


[VIDEO] What happened to George Floyd happened over four years ago, and people were finding ways to justify mass protest and violent looting during a global pandemic.

First I sort of agree that the officer who is the face of what happened to Floyd - Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin - was largely railroaded. It wasn't so much that he was guilty for the fate of Geo. Floyd, but that people wanted him to be guilty. Emotions overrode the facts of the case.

While I didn't follow this case very closely I was aware that an autopsy showed that what likely killed Floyd was the fentanyl in his system. Also even the Minneapolis police chief of that time admitted in court that in another angle of Floyd's arrest that Chauvin's knee was between his shoulder blades not his neck. And remember Chauvin for whatever reason killed Floyd by placing his knee on his neck.

Of course Liberal Hivemind explores the circumstances where Chauvin was accused of murder in this situation. There were a few things that just didn't add up here.

In this video he shows excerpts of a documentary that explores the George Floyd narrative. He never mentioned the title of the film which I believe is entitled The Fall of Minneapolis. If you believe someone like a Laura Ingram from FOX News that city hasn't recovered from the destruction of the riots "peaceful protests" that took place after his death.

I have to find this documentary and see what it says. Though one thing that figures was the small bag of narcotics that George Floyd had in his mouth. And of course more than the viral footage that we're most familiar with - that showed Chauvin's knee on Floyd's neck, allegedly - we see how the narrative begins to take hold. Several politicians and activists from the Mayor of Minneapolis, to Al Sharpton to Don Lemon to even Speaker Nancy Pelosi, those individuals could never say the actual amount of time that George Floyd was restrained.

Look the question we have to ask ourselves is how much did the media fail to inform us on this story? What details were missed? I had in the heat of the moment consider police actions callous in this situation but then again I knew only what was being said on TV.

Perhaps Chauvin and the other officers who responded didn't exactly exhibit good judgement. Perhaps they did everything they could in this situation. They may have attempted to insure that Floyd get medical care from paramedics because I learned in this video for the first time that these officers called an ambulance. They weren't about to let that man lay on the ground and not attempt to have a paramedic check him out.

If you're a thinking person hopefully what happened with Floyd causes you to keep asking questions about that whole situation.

Oh wait there's more the Fall of Minneapolis documentary is available for free on YouTube. Check it out and now I have no excuse to not see it. I'm putting it in the queue...

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