
Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Scamala: Kamala Harris Unmasked with Ben Shapiro - Episode 1


[VIDEO] Watching this documentary from Ben Shapiro and The Daily Wire causes me to really dislike Kamala Harris. It did its job, discussing her rise to prominence from the girlfriend of a California political kingmaker to an assistant prosecutor to an elected prosecutor to the office of California Attorney General to the US Senate and then the Vice-Presidency.

She seemed to have "failed up" as opposed to floundering and fading into obscurity. Was it being a woman? Was it her biracial heritage being both Jamaican Black and Southeast Indian? Was it just plain luck that got her where she is now.

And some of her efforts to insure that she could get elected. Her strategy in California probably could be described as cynical. She was willing to seem tough on crime for her own success, however,  what if she only followed the soft on crime dictates of the people who helped her get to the dance.

And then let's not forget her best soundbites against the man she serves with in Americas top offices the President & Vice-President. In a debate in 2020 she tried to use the race card, and again it's cynical because we learn that she lived in Canada and likely wasn't subjected to the racial issues of America.

Of course add to that her awkwardness and her disingenuousness. To be fair, if I've gone that high up it wouldn't be inconceivable that there would be some awkwardness on my end. As a politician however Vice-President Harris is terrible and you know what as far as past VPs go she really fits right in.

Other than recent VPs, how many do you remember from history? Other than her own historical footnotes - as the first woman & first woman of color as Vice-President - will anyone really remember VP Harris?

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