
Saturday, October 09, 2021

Former Pres. Trump in Iowa Saturday nite


[VIDEO] I haven't shared with you many Trump rallies since he lost last year's Presidential race. He's been making his rounds granting interviews to various favorable journalists or conservative personalities. It seems as if he's raring to go for a 2024 presidential bid. We have two more years before the race commences.

We're still not sure who the Democrats will put up for next time. I can't believe as rough as things have been since Biden became President that they'd put him through that again. The Vice President who knows but if they put her up, I expected a huge backlash.

As for Trump he might be the strongest candidate for the Republicans, however, the former President is still a very polarizing figure. Who on the Republican field could be more appealing to the constituency that elected Donald Trump in '16?

Any thoughts on his speech in Des Moines, Iowa?

BTW, while this video is over 4 hours I start the embed at the point where he's going to come on stage. I hope that makes a difference if you want to check out his remarks.

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