
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

O'Reilly: Three reasons to FIRE Gen. Milley


[VIDEO] The controversy over Gen. Mark Milley - chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff the top military advisor to the POTUS - has gone on over a week or longer. Gen. Milley should've raised my eyebrow when he apologizes for being with then President Trump last year as he held up a bible outside of an historic church near the White House. He was uncomfortable with that evidently.

He proclaimed in uniform at a Congressional hearing that he wants to understand "white rage". And I can surmise that white rage is code for domestic extremists I'm sure. Not racists just Trump supporters, just my opinion not fact. We've been obsessed with white rage, whiteness, white supremacy, white privilege, etc for over a year now.

Now we hear that he may have been on a phone call with the Chinese Communists bad mouthing then Pres. Trump. He's proclaiming that he's in actual control of the military instead of that unstable madman - hey I don't know about the guy in there now! These are actually allegations that are in a book and have yet to be from what I can tell substantiated. However a military leader going against civilian authority - a general and his commander-in-chief is clearly a problem.

And on that I would say it also came out earlier this year once Biden became President that Gen. Milley was ready to orchestrate a "coup d'etat" against then Pres. Trump if he doesn't step aside as he contested the 2020 race. I'd say any alleged statements from that time was really a problem although it gave what quite a few angry anti-Trumpers reality to what they can only dream of - forcefully pulling Trump from the White House.

Of course I say all this to show the main issue with Gen. Milley which is the debacle in Afghanistan. A lot of heads should've rolled for that. From cabinet secretaries to military leadership, however, so far that hasn't happened yet.

O'Reilly is probably right. No one wants to embarrass the U.S. military, however, when there is a massive and public failure as we've seen in Afghanistan the past month or so what do you do. If Trump was in there and this happened heads would roll!

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