
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Ingraham Angle: Youngkin slams former Gov. McAuliffe over parental control comments


[VIDEO] Remember that recent post about this year's race for Virginia Governor between the Democrat former Gov. Terry McAuliffe and his opponent Republican Glenn Youngkin.

I was hoping to find a stand-alone clip and preferably not by either a campaign or even from a biased media source. Indeed if this was just a run of the mill YouTube channel like my own which you're free to subscribe probably would work regardless of their agenda.

Either way perhaps this is the moment where the governor's race there could turn. In that recent post I shared a video regarding a poll showing the race has tightened. And as far as schools as far as the pandemic or even critical race theory in some districts I hear Virginia is a hot bed for those issues.

From the comments I first saw on the Ingraham Angle Wednesday nite it's amazing. I think parents as tax paying citizens should be very concerned about what their children are being taught in school. We're not talking about prayer in schools or anything like that we want to make sure our children are being educated to the point where they can truly function in our society.

Of course if you believe that public schools are now "indoctrination centers" students are being trained to become social justice activists more concerned about their preferred pronouns than basic skills to go through life. It's a shame that it's up for debate now.

Last nite Laura Ingraham interviews Glenn Youngkin.... At this point another month before the elections for Governor not only in Virginia, but New Jersey as well. I guess nothing to see there, yet.

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