
Friday, September 17, 2021

George W. Bush's comments on the 20th anniversary of 9/11


[VIDEO] Ben Shapiro discusses the 43rd POTUS' comments at a memorial for the victims of 9/11 at Shanksville, Penn. On 9/11/2001, United Airlines Flight 93 crashed near that borough in Pennsylvania due to the courageous actions of passengers onboard the plane realizing what happened to the other three flights on that day.

Either way I have heard some of President Bush's comments from that day. He believes homegrown violent extremists are the same as violent extremists from overseas - especially from Islamic fundamentalists the type he engaged in military operations against after the 9/11 terrorism.

I voted for President Bush twice and do consider him a decent President, but I no longer kid myself on one thing. Some have considered his dig against "homegrown violent extremists" were considered a dig against the so-called Insurrection of January 6, 2021. Of course if those are considered violent extremists what about groups like "Antifa".

One could say Bush was taking a dig against Trump supporters. My conclusion is that President Bush represents the establishment and probably always has while Trump represents "populism". I'm not saying populism is dangerous exactly I'm saying that it upsets the establishment.

Think about this one of the people Trump defeated in his successful campaign for POTUS in 2016 was Jeb Bush (George W. Bush's younger brother) who could've been seen as a shoo-in. However the now former President basically destroyed the former Gov. of Florida and other candidates in his way. I'm willing to bet the whole family has an issue with Trump.

Well I think the whole establishment vs populism argument is far more valid as far as Bush's recent 9/11 comments.

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