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Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Leftism unpopular with Americans


[VIDEO] Tim Pool spends over thirty minutes attacking this. Biden and his left wing handlers are polling very, very badly.

I recognize that the current Democrat Party has strayed so far away from liberalism that it's just unrecognizable now. It seems the emphasis is more authoritarian than reasonable.

I'm just severely dismayed that we're hearing tribalism between those who aren't vaccinated vs those who are. Those who aren't in some cases were advised by a doctor that taking this vaccine could cause some adverse reaction so we look down on their and restrict what they can do without being vaxxed?

We're also hearing that being vaxxed doesn't guarantee that some people who are won't carry the coronavirus. They can still carry it...

Anyway tangent, I'll bet the misreporting on this subject and the absolute ineptitude of the Biden administration is as much to blame for their bad polls right now. We're seeing the P.L.L. leadership isn't working out so well!


Unknown said...

I don't get the attack on leftism. If leftism is "authoritarian" then lets just get rid of police, fire, and all emergency services; because those are socialism. Get rid of municipal utility services too. Get rid of all the services to protect the general public. Let chaos reign and if you want any safety then pay for private services. The US has NEVRR had any true "leftism", and saying the Demos are leftwing now is an insult to many protesters of the '60's.

Levois said...

How is referring to Democrats as leftwing an insult to the protesters of the 1960s? I do think an element of the Democrats are leftwing. When I refer to authoritarian my references are for example the cancel culture.

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