
Monday, July 19, 2021

Larry Elder for Governor...or not?


[VIDEO] I've wanted to share this with you for a while with one catch well it seems California is leaving longtime right wing radio personality Larry Elder off the recall ballot. First Californians have to decide whether or not they want to recall sitting Gov. Gavin Newsom. When they say yes they want to recall him then they decide who replaces him.

The last time this happened was in 2003 in California. Californians recalled Gov. Gray Davis and elected in his place the Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger. That's almost a pro-wrestling name isn't it?

Anyway, also in this race is Kaitlyn (formerly Bruce) Jenner and of course as in 2003 a number of candidates though no one famous or of note outside of the Golden State. Since Larry Elder has thrown his hat in the ring I am hoping he goes forward, if he's successfully kept off the ballot then hopefully he runs next year as that is the regular gubernatorial election.

While in the above video Larry Elder discusses what happened, let's follow his thoughts on Twitter shall we?

I'll continue to follow this. And hopefully whatever challenges Larry Elder engages in, will result in his candidacy going forward. 

Meanwhile in the Land of Lincoln, Gov. Pritzker announced he will be running for re-election next year.

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