
Monday, July 26, 2021

Dave Rubin's first interview with Larry Elder


[VIDEO] In 2016 this hour long discussion between Rubin and Larry Elder was posted to YouTube before Rubin became less of a progressive liberal leftist (PLL for short) and more of a classical liberal. Larry Elder is a well known conservative radio talk show host who has often described himself as a small L libertarian. Rubin himself admitted that this interview was a red pill moment and with facts Elder just demolished his progressive arguments on racial issues.

Elder also admitted in a later interview with Rubin - actually after he announced he was running for Governor of California in the coming recall election - that this interview got him more attention than ever before. It got him noticed by a whole new audience.

I've yet to see this interview in full, hopefully we can watch it all together and then I will have more comments. I share this with you so that you can think. I see the comments to this video and many revisited it after the craziness in the wake of George Floyd's death. There isn't a lot of thinking right now just knee jerk reactions of people who are unable or unwilling to view the issues of race in America objectively.

Another point to be made is that you don't stay a hardcore leftist, liberal, conservative, Democrat or Republican. Over time your political views will evolve just as easily as your religious views might evolve for example. I would have a hard time with being handed my ass on my own show although in Rubin's case this interview helped evolve further his views.

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