
Monday, February 15, 2021

Tucker: Elites pushing 'green energy' are out of touch with America


[VIDEO] I'm shocked to find out that Texas of all places is experiencing some energy breakdowns due to the unusual cold weather down there. I saw the Tucker segment about this on the rebroadcast and former TX Governor and Energy Secretary Rick Perry his hometown is the same latitude as Houston, TX and it's 9° Fahrenheit. Can you imagine it being 9°F in Texas?

No sir! Definitely not myself! 

At the end of Tucker's interview the memorable quote are those who advocate for the Green New Deal and the short-sightedness of their solutions to the issue of global warming is to stay in their gender study departments. They need to stay away from America's power grids.... I had to chuckle.

Bottom line why should we experience California's rolling blackouts - and I suppose the progressives there believe in solving the issues of climate change. We have to consider people will be very hot in the summer as in some parts of America some people are very cold. You don't want too many people to be adversely affected by extreme weather conditions? Insure they have the ability to cool or warm their residences.

That means we can't only rely on solar power and windmills for power. If it means we need coal, nuclear - which is clear though I know people are uncomfortable with the radiation, or even as mentioned by Rick Perry natural gas. Back-ups, upon back-ups, upon back-ups. Does it not make sense?

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