
Friday, February 19, 2021

"Central Park Karen" sent to re-education sensitivity training....


[VIDEO] I didn't want the whole video only the first minute the headline of this Timcast IRL video should tell you all you need to know about this story. Here's the post to this story referenced by Tim Pool which made it's rounds on social media last summer:

Misdemeanor charges were tossed Tuesday against Amy Cooper — the “Central Park Karen’’ who falsely accused a black birdwatcher of “threatening” her — after she completed a handful of therapy sessions.

Cooper had faced up to a year in prison on the charge of falsely reporting an incident in the third degree.

But a judge granted Manhattan prosecutors’ request to dismiss Cooper’s case after she completed five therapy sessions “designed for introspection and progress,” Assistant District Attorney Joan Illuzzi-Orbon said at a brief virtual hearing.

Cooper, who is white, was accused of lying to cops that “an African American man,” Christian Cooper, was threatening her and her pooch — in an incident caught on cell-phone video in May.

Christian, who is no relation to Amy, was telling the woman to leash her dog, as per park rules, at the time.

“Psychoeducation about racial equity is woven into each therapy session to prompt understanding and reflection,” Illuzzi-Orbon told the judge of Amy Cooper’s time with the Critical Therapy Center in Manhattan.

“Ms. Cooper’s therapist reported that it was a moving experience and that Ms. Cooper learned a lot in their sessions together,’’ the ADA said.
I feel kind of bad for the "Caren" aka Amy Cooper that she had to be sent to psychoeducation for her unfortunate behavior in NYC's Central Park. She just paid a heavy price to have her charges of filing a false police report dropped. Just from the description of the incident I saw a strange outburst on her part.

I use the term Caren as opposed to Karen to note a law out of California which is designed to criminalize this behavior. She's not the first white women to attempt to call police on a Black person who may well hadn't done anything wrong. I'm sharing an article out of California which shows a proposal for the CAREN Act which is designed to criminalize racially biased 911 calls.

Caren has become the operative term for 2020 as it seems to denote an overzealous woman - and yes it could be a guy also - who is very willing to assert her own authority on anything she deems wrong. For example perhaps you run into a Caren who insists you need to have your mask on. People have been taking that very seriously since the start of the pandemic but then pick a subject and a Caren situation like this one applies.

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