
Sunday, December 20, 2020

Trumpism is going global


[VIDEO] The clips shown in this video by Liberal Hivemind showing where they're watching this election. Nigeria, Taiwan, Hong Kong, among other places chanting "Fight for Trump". Now you know this is populism.

Trump is said to be an American populist. Of course he's a right leaning one as populism isn't really aligned with a particular ideology. However, populism always depends upon the public mood and the candidate in question.

Just think 2016 probably for many was unexpected. It was often consider an F-U akin to what happened in Great Britain with Brexit. It's a nation making their own rightful self-determination about their own direction. Britain broke away from the European Union for a reason and as far as President Trump well I just don't think the mood was that favorable for his opponent Hillary Clinton.

Either way it's amazing that there are people around the world paying attention to what's going on here. That Trump isn't just an American phenomenon, he's increasingly become a world phenomenon. His populist movement has gone global and perhaps the rest of the world is worried about Communist China's increasing dominance in the world.

Also there is a planned protest on January 6, 2021 and I'm sure that date is no accident. This is the day that the electoral votes will be counted by both houses of the US Congress. I'm sure Trump want his presence to be seen and heard in DC during that time. How many of his supporters will make the trip?

I'm going to bet if things go the way I hope they would, it would be quite a crowd there. Let's hope this future rally is just a bunch people with signs and red ball caps. The next question is will this encourage any member of Congress both one Representative and one Senator to make their objections.

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