
Friday, November 20, 2020

Remember Arizona? They won't certify their election...


[VIDEO] Over a week after election day AZ was finally called by other media other than FOX News for Joe Biden. I was watching FOX when they called it and this call was shocking even to the anchors of election night coverage. FOX News is still taking heat for their election day coverage of the Presidential race.

Well according to Liberal Hivemind, Arizona will refuse to certify their election results  until any court cases with regards tot he 2020 presidential race are resolved. With allegations of voter fraud and they are allegations until ruled or proven we have a ways to go to rest easy on this race.

Although the reversal in Wayne County/Detroit, Michigan we're not at the end of the counting and the legal challenges as of yet. However, does this mean we have something that might reverse the calls made by the media or even made Joe Biden eat his declaration of victory.

Time will tell, but there are a post or two at Instapundit that are ready to say this election is over.

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