
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

COVID as a political weapon


[VIDEO] First and foremost I don't buy into this idea of a "plandemic" here are people out there and you see some of the comments under this video - if you choose to click through - where they think this virus was manufactured by the Democrats or by the Chinese communists. I don't believe all that, I believe this is a virus that simply wasn't contained in the timeframe necessary to avert all these lockdowns.

With this said, Bill O'Reilly takes aim at Democrat lobbyists or politicos and their collusion with the media as far as how to use this pandemic to hurt President Trump. Sadly I do think there is some truth to this and it might even go further than who's currently in office right now.

There is a gamut of opinion as far as how to handle this pandemic. The lockdowns were prudent in the beginning when we didn't understand this virus, and I think we should be at the point where we understand coronavirus and how to treat it. Some parts of America still have to deal with restrictions, here in Illinois some parts of the state are still facing mitigation efforts.

What I read this week and O'Reilly alluded to in this brief video is that people are getting tired of this pandemic. They want life to return to normal as it was before we shut most of society down. And I'm with that, we got to learn how to live with this pathogen at this point. We know to wash our hands, socially distance, and even to wear a face covering. Everyday people know what's necessary to not get sick with this tricky virus.

We don't need the governing class - who for the most part did a horrible job of managing this - to micromanage our lives just to satisfy their own soundbites.

As always be safe out there! 

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