
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

I'm not sure why this is news


[VIDEO] ABL discusses the recent story of Andrew Gillum who comes out as bisexual in an interview with Tamron Hall - you might remember her as an anchor for Chicago's FOX TV affiliate. ABL states that it's hard to find video footage although you see a piece of that interview where Gillum a former mayor of Tallahassee, Florida who lost his bid to become Governor of Florida to Ron DeSantis in 2018 comes out of the closet as bi.

Gillum was also touted as a future presidential candidate although he lost his bid to become the first Black Governor of Florida and perhaps the first Democrat Governor since Buddy McKay (who served only 24 days upon the death of longtime Democrat Governor Lawton Chiles). Kind of like how Democrat nominee for Governor of Georgia Stacy Abrams was touted as a potential VP candidate to Joe Biden and she herself also lost that race and doesn't currently hold an elected office.

So as far as Gillum I first heard about this when I saw a link to a story on fb. My thoughts are why is this news now, he's irrelevant and we're talking about him exposing his sexual proclivities. In reality why is this our business that's really between him and his family as he is married with three children.

The last time he was in the news he was found in a hotel room in Florida with three other man last year. There were narcotics in that room - meth probably. And he was found naked one of the three men was a known male escort. Later he stated he was going to rehab for alcoholism. Until recently he was out of sight and out of mind and now this.

Perhaps this is part of his crisis management to rebuild his image. Well only he knows, my thing is he should've just stayed low.

As with some of the other things that came out about him since he lost the 2018 election in Florida for me, this revelation will be out of sight and out of mind.

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