
Saturday, August 08, 2020

Two speeches - a Hollywood president vs our current President

[VIDEO] I've been somewhat comparing this speech from The American President with President Trump's speech at Mount Rushmore back in June. Two different speeches under two different circumstances, granted one was in a fictional reality and the other in a very history reality.

If you've never seen The American President it was written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by Rob Reiner. It's a political movie with a romantic comedy subplot as the President in the above clip had to finally address his Republican rival for the presidency as there was a looming presidential election in this film.

Basically his romantic comedy subplot became an issue. President Andrew Shepherd played by Michael Douglas was taken by this beautiful environmental lobbyist in Sydney Ellen Wade played by Annette Benning. After a rather tough meeting where he somewhat intimidates her playfully he figured out how to ask her on a date. He wanted her as his date to the state dinner with the President of France - who was not at the time of the film's release in November 1995 Jacques Chirac.

So the public is taken with the idea that America's bachelor president who was also a single father is actually dating. People start taking positions as to whether or not a president should be having "relations" with a woman in the White House. The Republicans seize upon the president's girlfriends activist past. Hell there are newspaper clippings of her presiding over a flag burning.

So when Shepherd arrives in the White House Press Room he had lost Sydney and other aspects of his agenda is going up in smoke. Seemingly the Republicans have him on the ropes until he gives this briefing to the press resetting the agenda. For many years Shepherd was the Democratic president that I wished we had instead of President Bill Clinton who did have relations allegedly in the White House (and I don't know all the details but the name Lewinsky sadly will always be connected with him).

Allow me to post a video of President Trump's speech back in June at Mt. Rushmore [VIDEO]

Republicans and conservative have praised this speech and Trump presides over a nation experiencing some unprecedented crises. First we have coronavirus and then the later unrest after the death of George Floyd. The US was into protesting "systemic racism" and the injustices by police and the criminal justice system and it devolved into the issue of erasing history.

Well tearing down Confederate statues is really nothing new. It didn't just start happening during the course of June 2020. People find any statues or symbols with regards to the late Confederate States of America a trigger to put the history narrowly the issue with the Confederacy is that they upheld slavery the owning of other human beings by other human beings. There are people who believe the Confederate battle flag as a trigger as there are some - and yes I said some - who view it as akin to the Nazi swastika.

As it turns out this whole attempt at erasing history didn't stop with Confederate symbols. I shared a post about a potential protest of an Abraham Lincoln statue. You can ask why did anyone want to take down a statue of Abraham Lincoln he freed the slaves - and in this new environment of being "woke" that doesn't matter.

The faces of Mt. Rushmore is about America as generations of Americans were taught in school. The history isn't perfect admittedly, but it's our history. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt represents a fraction of this nation's greatest leaders. They are the faces of America and unfortunately in order to truly demoralize this nation and to smear its history and accomplishments America like the Confederacy has been narrowed down to it's most negative aspects of its history. Trump attempts to address this and with him being Trump this will be a high point and it was followed by him getting into the dirt as he's known to do sometimes.

Another debate that I consider. The Democrats had a history of strong leaders. I could follow Franklin D. Roosevelt or a John F. Kennedy or even Lyndon B. Johnson. If the Democrats could have their own Andrew Shepherd - and it wouldn't matter much to me what identity group such a person would represent - the Dems would be in better shape. Unfortunately such a person doesn't exist right now, and their current standard bearer is Joe Biden who aside from any issues with being in his late 70s, has the propensity to put his own foot in his mouth.

I'm glad to share yet another change of pace for you all. The American President has been one of my favorite all time movies. The liberal bias wouldn't have been an issue for me. It's a great movie that I've not seen much of in years so it's probably time to take advantage of iTunes and my Apple TV and download it.

BTW, Mt. Rushmore is another site I need to add to my list of places to visit and document in the future.

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