
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Blue Collar Logic: Like 'The Chicago 7' Elected Nixon?

[VIDEO] I've kept my eye on Portland, Oregon for quite a while and got away from the chaos there. This time we'll go back with Dave Morrison who decided to go due north from his home in California. He had to further discuss the situation near the Mark Hatfield Federal Courthouse.

He starts off with footage of federal courthouse marked by those vandals who sought to destroy the courthouse for the better part of two months. The task of cleanup in unenviable and it seems the Mayor who wanted to be sympathetic has started to get tougher and also noted he's running for re-election this year. His opponent is probably more sympathetic to Antifa and BLM that Mayor Ted Wheeler is.

Let's face facts though as Chicago cleans up after their night of looting and further unrest the city for the most part - if you're part of the problem you're justifying it as reparations 🤷 - find this unacceptable. It's unacceptable to the point where those businesses that are affected by this are likely reopen and we're not talking about big box stores like Best Buy or even a boutique retailer like Apple (why is Apple boutique think of the Apple tax 😜 ) we're talking about small business. Perhaps a fast food franchise or a corner store as much as you want to think any business owner has cash stashed somewhere civil unrest such as this is truly devastating and these looters and BLM can never appreciate that they are really destroying livelihoods.

As far as Mayor Wheeler the roughly two months of mob violence directed towards Portland's federal courthouse shouldn't have been acceptable and yet he allowed it to go on. He didn't want to do anything about it until the federal government sent their resources to protect their interests.

Since I heard about Wheeler's in action and that he has an election come up I hate to say that he can go in light of his opposition. And as Morrison said Portland isn't going to tilt more Republican after this. However, as in 1968 the so-called Chicago 7 - the "police riot" during the 1968 Democrat convention - helped elect Richard Nixon president in 2020 the BLM protest, riots, looting, etc. will help to re-elected Donald Trump President.

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