
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Really? Rauner has the support of Black Democrats...

If I may explain this story posted on Twitter before going to bed last night. Bruce Rauner won the GOP nomination for Illinois Governor on Tuesday beating out three other candidates. Barely eking out a victory over state Senator Kirk Dillard who was largely boosted by money from teacher's unions who endorsed him. If not for that it's entirely possible that Mr. Rauner could have ran away with the recent primary election.

So Gov. Pat Quinn, who only faced token opposition by anti-violence activist Tio Hardimon although it seems he'd have gotten support in downstate Illinois. All the same Gov. Quinn still isn't very popular in this state and his last election - 2010 where he got his full-term as Governor - barely eked out a victory against his Republican opponent Bill Brady. As a matter of fact what probably saved the Governor was overwhelmingly winning the stat's most populous county - which is Cook County.

So, let's not count Quinn out it's already predicted that this campaign could get nastier probably nastier than any past gubernatorial campaign. Rauner is a wealthy man who made his money as a venture capitalist - that is he provides money for small firms. Also it's reported that he hired Mayor Rahm Emanuel once-upon-a-time and they still share a close relationship. In spite of the report you see above, I'm sure Quinn - who in the past was reported to not be able to get along with the Mayor - could use that against him.

Why is because Emanuel currently isn't very popular in the Black community. It doesn't help when you close 50 schools in primarily Black & Latino communities in Chicago to start with. To be sure, I'm sure Rauner's Republican opponents have brought up his relationship with the Democratic Mayor of Chicago.

So it appears from the above story and this list of Democrats backing Rauner this year that he may have some support in those communities who generally doesn't support Republican candidates. The question we should ask is whether or not Rauner and his new allies can deliver significant votes to him in November to beat out the incumbent Governor.

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