
Friday, February 14, 2014

The Atlantic: What College Graduates Regret

This makes sense, I wish I had been more serious about finding work whether a part-time job or an internship before finally getting my sheepskin. Who knows I'd have been a lot more focused if it has worked out that way.
A recent Pew study complicates this picture a little bit. It found that, yes, a third of college graduates who majored in social science, liberal arts or education regretted their decision. (In comparison, 24 percent of people with science and engineering degrees wish they'd studied something else.) But overall, when asked what they wish they'd done differently in college, "choosing a different major" wasn't the top answer. The most popular answer, given by half of all respondents, was "gaining more work experience." Choosing a different major was the fourth most popular response, after "studying harder" and "looking for work sooner."

A possible lesson here: Picking a major with a real-world application might be overrated, at least as college graduates themselves see it. What students really need is experience putting their knowledge to practical use while they're still in school.
I majored in political science, there certainly was a way to use my degree in that particular field surely. Only really used it once having worked polls doing exit polling during a research project. I wrote about it here.

In any case, it's not enough to say if you major in art history who's fault is that? Yeah you might have a better shot if you majored in business, a science or engineering. At the same time work experience counts, find a job in your field while you're still in school or if nothing else just find a job period.

It won't matter in the long run if you got the right degree because just coming out of college it will be about your work experience. Why not come out of school armed with it!

Via Instapundit another sign of the "higher education bubble"!

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