
Monday, January 20, 2014

So there's a documentary about Mitt Romney...

In 2012, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney was the GOP nominee for President. I'm sure many Americans believe he should've been president but sadly 2012 wasn't the year to make a change. Indeed depending on whom you read it could be said that "the incumbent was uninspiring and the challenger wasn't very inspiring".

Well I may not have gotten that quite correct, but I'm sure there were many voters who weren't very happy about the choices that they had almost two years ago. Now we know a bit more about the man. Perhaps he's much happier about being out of the spotlight now that the 2012 elections are over.

We know he has a grandson, who just so happens to be Black. He's happy about that I'm sure although unfortunately many have decided to point this out and make jokes about it.

All the same I got wind of a documentary via Instapundit on Mr. Romney - entitled Mitt - and it seems really interesting. Perhaps a portrait of a man who seeks to be a future leader of the "Free World". It premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and Romney himself went to the premiere.

You know I used to say that Romney probably didn't have a prayer because he was a wealthy man. Some of the comments he made on the campaign trail were certainly blown-up as if to say this man is out of touch with everyday Americans. Also these comments were certainly blown-up by President Obama's re-election campaign. Without a doubt it had been brutal!

Now it seems, Romney beat himself up a lot. He felt like he couldn't measure up to his father former Michigan Governor George Romney. While Mitt himself was wealthy it was noted that daddy Romney himself made good and well provided very well for his family. Also Romney apparently was intimidated by the President and if you want your seat in the Oval Office as as leader of the free world, should you be intimidated by the one who already serving a term and running for re-election?

Who knows, what if Romney wasn't down on himself in 2012? Could he have made a difference where many may say Obama couldn't have? And supposing that Romney really didn't want to job considering how difficult the current political environment is?

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