
Saturday, December 28, 2013


It's that time of year and while Christmas is always fun, I always look forward to New Year's. Now more than ever that day is representative of new beginnings.

That's what that means now more than ever. Since last year I've resolved to find another job, but it seems this past year I can't help but run into some type of disappointment. It's still a resolution that is achieveable this year and it just means that there's a way to make it happen.

Is that the only? Of course not, as there are other goals I hope to achieve this year.

Being healthier for one thing and that means better maintenance of my body in more ways than one. Healthier eating, more exercise and a trip to a doctor couldn't hurt either.

Also going back to the job, what do I expect to achieve. Benefits and better pay that will always be important to me. And something that has been elusive unfortunately.

Also, is it time for me to go back to school? At the very least learn some more skills that I hadn't learned in my years at a community college and at Morehouse. It's time to consider taking some business course starting with some accounting at least.

There are other resolutions that I may come up with as the time comes for New Year's. I do sincerely hope that you will resolve the many goals you may have for 2014.

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