
Sunday, November 03, 2013

So the next mayor of Detroit could be white?

It seems Detroit has been a frequent topic since an emergency financial manager was appointed over the city this past summer. "Motown" has been declining for a long time a city that reached its apex population wise in 1950 is suffering such population loss to the point that it seems that the "Great American City" is turning into a ghost town.

In discussing this story, my intention is to not give too much credence to the race of the candidate in question. It shouldn't be an important consideration especially in a situation where the citizens are looking for new solutions. Still it's interesting reading this LA Times article what kind of race is being run in that city for Mayor:
The last time there was a white mayor of Detroit, the Vietnam War was just ending and the nation was getting used to a Supreme Court decision called Roe vs. Wade.

But now this city, which is in the midst of a trial to determine whether it is eligible for bankruptcy protection, is set to elect its first white mayor since 1974, Mike Duggan, and by an overwhelming margin. Recent polls show Duggan up by a nearly 2-1 margin over his opponent, Wayne County Sheriff Benny Napoleon, in a city that is 82% African American.

Duggan's lead is seen as a signal that the residents of long-struggling Detroit are ready for a change in leadership — someone who hasn't served the city in politics before. After all, still fresh in voters' minds is the case of former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, who three weeks ago was sentenced to 28 years in prison for corruption.

The winds of change, however, may also be fueled by the nation's willingness to elect a black president.

Minister Malik Shabazz, president of the Marcus Garvey Movement/New Black Panther Nation in Detroit, is one of Duggan's most vocal supporters. Shabazz admits that having President Obama in the White House changes things.

"In the last two national elections, African Americans have asked the nation to choose the best person for the job and not get caught up in color. And twice, Barack Obama has won," he said. "Now, in Detroit, in 2013, the best man running is a white brother, and that's OK."
Having an emergency manager in Detroit effectively running the financial strapped city is indicated in this article as temporary. There is a way out for Kevin Orr in a year. I'm sure the emergency manager is a campaign issue.

I look forward to continuing to follow the situation up there in "Motor City" in the near future. The election is this coming Tuesday! Of course there are other elections such as state elections in Virginia and New Jersey for Governor and of course there are a host of other mayoral elections to be determined on Tuesday.

Via Newsalert!

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