
Friday, November 22, 2013

Oberweis for US Senate

[VIDEO] There was once an ice cream man known as Jim Oberweis. He's an infamous figure in Illinois politics having run for US Senate, Governor, and a US House seat only to lose all of those races. In the first two he proved to be controversial his Senate race involved lots of talk of illegal immigration and his race for Governor well didn't help the GOP side at all.

He actually won a race recently, he's now a sitting state senator in Illinois and now he wants to be a US Senator. While I'm not sure he's a shoo-in he may well be a better candidate than many other's who have ran against long-time US Senator Dick Durbin in recent years.

BTW, I forgot to note earlier this year he was in charge of a push to oust a state party chairman for the GOP. While ultimately he appeared to back off the state GOP has a new chairman anyway and this was to enforce adhearance to the state GOP platform. All the same this state now has gay marriage anyway and it took a few Republican votes to get there as well.

Via CapFax!

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