
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Crystal Morning: September 11th, 2001

[VIDEO] I'm pretty sure this video was shown here at least once. This was from Evan Coyne Maloney and showed the sights and sounds from that fateful day September 11, 2001. Today is the 12th anniversary!

As per usual on this date I will often avoid any TV programming that replays events from that very sad day. That very horrendous day when terrorism found its way to America and caused significant damage. Today is the time to remember what we lost.

While thankfully I never lost anyone on that day, I'm sad along with the people who have lost that day.

Here are a listing of all previous 9/11 posts tagged under September 11th. And yes it even includes a story about Osama bin Laden leader of al-Qaida who was killed by Seal Team Six in Pakistan.

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