
Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Martian Dream: Here's What the Red Planet Would Look Like With Earth-Like Oceans and Life - The Atlantic

A Martian Dream: Here's What the Red Planet Would Look Like With Earth-Like Oceans and Life - The Atlantic

The pic above is how our fourth planet would look like if it was earth like. With some landforms in the northern hemisphere it looks like they would've had a large continent similar to this fabled continent on Earth known as Pangaea. Well not so fabled as well there is a theory or perhaps it's proven that at one point all of Earth's continents were one massive landmass. Continental drift created the continents as we know them today!

In any case I can't wrap my head around Martian geography as well I know very little about it. I know about Utopia Planitia as this is the area where the Enterprise of Star Trek: The Next Generation was constructed. However I can't even begin to point to it on a map!

Well this show what Mars can look like with terraforming. And perhaps this could spur more interest in sending people to the Red Planet. Time can only tell.

Via Instapundit!

1 comment:

templerman said...

A dream indeed. It would be wonderfully to have another living world like this in the solar system. As to the continents, I think you have it right. Most of the top of Mars is a basin, due to an impact event. I wonder if the large round island in the northern hemisphere is Olympus Mons. The size would be about right, it's roughly the size of Oklahoma, and rises about three times the hight of Mt. Everest.

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