
Monday, January 28, 2013

Capitol Fax: Why Pat Brady is walking the plank

This has been an interesting story since it broke recently. Many Republicans in this state have an issue with the Chairman of the Illinois GOP making a statement in favor of gay marriage. Then there's one wrinkle in this story, there was some protest and still the chairman one Pat Brady still elected to consult with other prominent members of the party.

What is going on here?

Rich Miller explains and it makes sense. Opposing gay marriage in this state is a losing proposition when so many favor it. Many would vote for it so that they could move on to more crucial or less-divisive issues. Besides while I know that both sides of this issue are very passionate, truth is if you read CapFax there are other more important issues worth tackling.

The state's financial picture isn't good. In fact Illinois' bond rating sunk to worst in the nation. Also, a debate is starting over whether or not the state's minimum wage should be tied to inflation. Yet with these issues not helping the state, we're worried about what's essentially a social issue.

It seems like a distraction from the real issues we're facing here. While I'm not happy perhaps there is a time to move forward and get Illinois back on track again.

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