
Sunday, October 28, 2012


This month's Presidential debates are over and next week is election time. We saw three debates between President Obama and Mitt Romney and one debate between Vice President Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan. We saw the President off his game the first debate, a near fight in the second, and we saw how bad both men wanted it in the third and final debate. What we saw with VP Biden & Ryan was Biden laughing a lot.

What can we take from those debates? Well whatever you're able to. Besides we get to hear a bit more about what each man hoped to accomplish in the next administration. The thing about these debates is that they may play only to those who have already decided who's ticket they want to punch.

If it was me, I still evaluate each candidate and will only decide on Election Day. Also if you followed who said what about the debates on twitter or facebook you will see where the sentiment lies in either direction. Most of the people on my timeline on either site were for Obama and maybe a few were very much in Romney's camp.

In spite of their attempts to differentiate each other by telling us their specific domestic and foreign policies - in addition to the usage of numbers in discussion of jobs, taxations, etc. - sometimes I wonder if the American people can catch up. When they talk numbers I recognize that neither man really has a great concept of what they're talking about and were coached to be very convincing.

Another question to be asked if the American voter was convinced of who should be President in November? Are they going with either of the major party candidates? Or are they going to choose independent or third party challengers?

Well, it's safe to say the ones who made up their minds haven't changed their minds. Perhaps a precious few are no longer undecided as a result of the debates. With that result in mind the next question is, how useful are these presidential debates?

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