
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What does a Paul Ryan pick mean for "minorities"?

This is something worth exploring, the response of our nation's "minorities" to the newly minted GOP ticket for President. Not a whole lot of meat here, but something that may continue to be discussed as time goes on.
On some key domestic issues important to communities of color, the selection of Ryan probably won’t get Romney much backing from blacks or Latinos.

Under a Romney-Ryan win, the Medicaid system would likely be overhauled, CNN Money reports.

For blacks and Latinos, Medicaid has been a considered a “lifeline,” especially since these groups are disproportionally affected by chronic diseases such as diabetes and asthma and by certain cancers, yet are less likely to have private health insurance.

Ryan, according to an earlier CNN story, has said he would cut Medicaid spending by $810 billion over a decade. Under his budget plan, the federal government would give states money in the form of block grants.

A 2011 joint report by health and minority organizations showed that Medicaid covers one in five blacks as well as one in four Hispanics with cancer; by comparison, less than one in eight whites is covered by Medicaid.

Under Ryan’s vision for food stamps, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program would also become a block-grant program and would require beneficiaries to work or enroll in a job-training program, according to the CNN article.
In one editorial in, Ryan is described as a “nightmare” for the poor and people of color. “For progressive and people of color, it’s hard to imagine a worse choice. Romney and Ryan make a telegenic pair, but the reality of their policies and philosophies is downright ugly,” the article said.
Hopefully, there will be more on this. Would "minorities" be resistant to the Romney/Ryan ticket?

Hat-tip Electronic Village.

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