
Friday, July 13, 2012

ILLINOIS REVIEW: The Surprising History of African-American Politics

Basically it rehashes what Republicans have done for Blacks over the years from emancipation, to voting, to representation, even the civil rights struggle. It's something that's good to know but not the primary way to bring Blacks into the Republican Party. The question is what is the Republican Party about now for Blacks.
Thomas Sowell’s advice on regaining the African-American vote is to boldly show African-Americans the alternatives open to them. This is exactly what Mitt Romney did this week in his address to the NAACP: “When it comes to education reform, candidates cannot have it both ways – talking up education reform, while indulging the same groups that are blocking reform. You can be the voice of disadvantaged public-school students, or you can be the protector of special interests like the teachers unions, but you can’t be both. I have made my choice: As president, I will be a champion of real education reform in America, and I won’t let any special interest get in the way.”

African-Americans have a long and powerful political history. As they become better acquainted with it, their view of the Democrat Party and their place in it may change. If African-Americans look elsewhere for a political home, we must ensure they find a viable alternative.
Yeah so just talking history is nothing. It's something but it's nothing and just because I may say that the Republicans have to offer something has nothing to do with welfare or that non-sense. It's all about education and economic development in low-income neighborhoods. If welfare is about providing for people then the next step is to teach people to fish for themselves.

It's OK to talk about the past, but it's more that important to talk about the needs of today!

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