
Friday, December 17, 2010

Rev. James Meeks story linked on Instapundit

"WELCOME TO “POST-RACIAL” AMERICA: Meeks says minority contracts should only go to blacks." - Instapundit

Well you know I shouldn't be floored, but I am. Especially if I see this as more or less a local story. Critical to many others who are opposed to affirmitive action in any event. I would imagine Glenn Reynolds is opposed to affirmitive action. The story from the Chicago Sun-Times:
“The word ‘minority’ from our standpoint should mean African American. I don’t think women, Asians and Hispanics should be able to use that title,” he said. “That’s why our numbers cannot improve — because we use women, Asians and Hispanics who are not people of color, who are not people who have been discriminated against.”

Hours after making those remarks, Meeks back-tracked by saying he would only exclude white women if elected mayor. The set-aside program currently earmarks 25 percent of all city contracts for minorities and 5 percent for companies owned by women.

“I don’t believe white women should be considered in that count ….You have white women in the category. They receive contracts. Then, white men receive contracts. Where does that leave everybody else?” he told Fox-owned WFLD-Channel 32 news.
I really do admire Rev. Meeks for building a mega church on the south side. Especially building home big enough to be a future basketball area in a largely economically depressed part of Chicago. Actually the neighborhood where Meeks' sanctuary resides is a living historical landmark that thrives in some way thanks to its history.

I think he's right to take on the issue of public education. He went to New Trier to protest inadequate funding of public schools between rich and poor parts of the Chicago area. Now he supports school choice or school vouchers and attempted to push a bill through the General Assembly advocating for school vouchers.

He ran for State Senate against a long-time politico who brought up the issue of his allegiance to his church. Should a minister juggle his spiritual mission and his political mission. In my opinion he shouldn't, but some are better at juggling those two things than others. Ultimately an aspiring politico/minister must choose between the two. I think his talents are best spent in the state legislature. Even if I may not necessarily agree that he's choosing to juggle politics and religion.

Another thing to consider in the meanwhile:
A couple of years ago, Meeks and I sat down to talk after he’d said something or another about some racial thing. I scolded him pretty good, saying he’d been a black preacher for so long and a black legislator for so long that he apparently never bothered to learn how to talk to white people (and, I should’ve added, “everyone else”). I told him that he needed to learn some basic communication skills. Obviously, he never did.
I think a problem with plenty of black politicos. Although there are a precious few who do have some form of "crossover" appeal.

There was a clip of Rev. Meeks via that previous link where he wined to a fellow candidate about how if all the white people left the schools they take away art, music, etc. when the schools turn mostly black:
It’s not that he’s necessarily wrong. It’s just that the clip may show how much he sees things as a racial issue.
There are many in the black community who'll hear that. Outside of that black community, it could be alienating.

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