
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Todd Stroger gets a Turkey award

You know I try to restrict myself to at least three posts per day if I was to post frequently although recently it has been a general rule to not post more than one post per day. This post by Crain's Greg Hinz was just way too golden to ignore!
Somehow, a turkey seems redundant for outgoing Cook County Board President Todd Stroger. His graceless decision to play hardball with incoming prez Toni Preckwinkle because she said some nasty things about him at election time is the ultimate proof he never should have had the job in the first place.

His family lineage was enough to get him into not only his dad's nomination four years ago, but as County Board President as well. Effectively he got the job his father John Stroger formally had and he lost it in less than four years. What happened in 2006 another midterm wave year was controversial.

Depending on what circle you're talking to they say that the county is in better fiscal shape than a lot of other governmental bodies. Including the State of Illinois and even the very much well run City of Chicago. In the end he gets the boot in favor of Ald. Toni Preckwinkle in this year's primaries.

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