
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

VIDEO: Do African-American Values Align With Republicans?

I saw this on Huckabee over the weekend. It turned into less of a political discussion than it did a religion discussion. K. Carl Smith referred to biblical scripture to justify his turn from Democrat to Republican. He does discuss the propaganda of the Kennedy's supporting the Civil Rights Act but then he says they actually didn't support the Civil Rights Act. He also notes that many Black families had pictures of the Kennedy's with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Smith also wrote a companion guide for The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. A book that I had started to read but gotten sidetracked. Also noted in this segment the original FDR, Frederick Douglass Republicans. They even outlined what Douglass' Life Empowering Values:
  • Respect for Constitution
  • Respect for life
  • Belief in limited government
  • Belief in personal responsibility
OK this is going under philosophy right now!

Also want to note that I wrote an earlier post on the reticence of Democratic members of the Congressional Black Caucus, well it seems as if they are willing to let the two new Black Republican members of Congress to join their ranks. Although I will expect hostility of some sort from many of the more senior members of the caucus. At that however that story was published when I posted on that subject.

They may not need the headaches since well one of their membership is going down in flames. He's been convicted of ethics violations today.

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