
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ousted governor is guilty!

Rod Blagojevich as Elvis painted on a sidewalk on Diversey
Well this isn't a very dramatic conclusion. The only count they found him guilty on was with regards to a 2005 interview with the FBI where he claimed to have kept a firewall between his fundraising and his role as Illinois Governor. At that it's not entirely illegal for him to keep track of his fundraising, besides he was reputedly attempting to extort a campaign contribution from a children's hospital executive who wanted state funds for his hospital. Let's remember it's only one of 24 charges against him and there will be a retrial!

For the remaining counts we know at least that a lone juror just couldn't conclude that he was guilty on the rest of those counts. In fact Rich Miller, compares this woman to another woman who served on former Gov. George Ryan's jury. She was ultimately booted off that jury because she lied about her criminal history during the selection process.

Either way we know there will be political fallout and apparently while I could focus on Illinois, supposing some of this will rub off on Obama. This trial was as much about him as anyone else as Blago attempted to sell the President's old Senate seat for some type of financial or political gain.

Rich Miller has some reactions about the Blago verdict. Clout St. looks at the reaction of state Democrats to the Blago verdict. Also perhaps this article is more of a history lesson of all those IL governors who have had to appear in court for reasons related to their time as governor.

FWIW, I haven't followed this case very well. I was all over his arrest impeachment and eventual removal. In addition to his appointment of Roland Burris to succeed then President-elect Obama to his old Senate seat. Hopefully I can do better in time for this retrial!

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