
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Does the black church keep black women single?

The video contains a frank discussion among men and women with regards to dating and how to find that special someone. These are the conclusions of a columnist, Deborrah Cooper:
Cooper says her goal is to empower black women. If their strategy for meeting men is failing, Cooper offers two suggestions: Find another church or leave-and go where the boys go: tailgates, bars and clubs.

"Black women need to open their eyes. You want to know the reason why the black man isn't in church? Because he left church to go to the Sunday football game," Cooper says. "Going to these sites is discouraged in the black church because these places are seen as places where 'sin dwells.' But if women are compassionate, as the bible preaches they should be, then they need to be more open about the men they choose to date and where they might meet them."

"I'm not against religion, or against the church, I'm against women limiting their choices and putting themselves in a box because they do what their church tells them to do," Cooper says.
Please read the whole thing!

I will just say this. I would admire a woman who believed in a higher power. What would annoy me is one who put that higher power above her earthly relationships. Mainly with her husband and family.

As for the church keeping a black woman single, that's hard for me to take a position. That makes this article all the more interesting.

1 comment:

Candace Williams said...

Since you covered Ms. Cooper's 2010 article, I'm writing to present a topical subject I think your readers will be able to sink their teeth into.

The exciting new book "The Black Church – Where Women Pray and Men Prey" by Deborrah Cooper is based on the shocking 2010 blog post that had CNN, Al Sharpton, Michael Baisden, Michael Eric Dyson, Al Joyner and all of Black America in an uproar: The Black Church: How Black Churches Keep African American Women Single and Lonely! In her new book, Ms. Cooper continues an long needed examination of how religion is misused by unscrupulous preachers, and the games charlatans posing as men of God use to prey on women and children.

It's a tough read and not everyone will have the stomach for it. Some women are afraid of what they might find when they pull back the curtain, and thus aren't willing to question the behavior of the men leading their church. Others fear that Ms. Cooper is attacking God or Jesus, attacking their church or their beloved pastor. There is no need for anyone to be afraid of the truth. Good pastors welcome examination because they know they will pass all scrutiny with flying colors; those that are afraid of scrutiny have much to hide.

For those women brave enough to take a look at what is going on at their churches, and who are strong enough to demand protection from predatory men for women and children within the walls of the House of God, this book is right on time. And for the black women and children that have personally experienced the travesties of which the author writes, the book validates their reality and gives them a voice with which they can demand change.

Book Website:

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