
Thursday, February 07, 2008

Wheeling man cited for roasting pigs outside

Why? Doesn't he have the right to roast pigs on his property? Who are they to tell him to get rid of his equipment? From the Tribune....
This is our tradition since I was born in the Philippines. Whenever they had a fiesta, there was always a roasted pig," said Amante Enad, 55, who will argue his case before a judge next week in the Rolling Meadows branch of Cook County Circuit Court. The Wheeling Department of Community Development cited Enad last week after he was mentioned in a Jan. 25 Chicago Tribune story about lechon, a Filipino word that means "roast pork." The story described how Enad and other Filipino-Americans celebrate their heritage preparing the dish, even in the dead of winter.

Though some people interviewed in the story roast pigs as part of a side business, Enad says he doesn't charge for his services, providing it free to religious festivals at a Glenview church. He said he does so out of gratitude for prayers answered when his wife recovered in 2005 from hip surgery. Village officials ordered him to get rid of his roasting equipment, Enad said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spike Odell had him on the radio this morning, hey he sounds like a nice guy, we could use more neighbors like him. Really what's next? Regulations are BBQ? When you can BBQ, what you can BBQ? We can only hope that the City Coucil is not paying too much attention to this, who knows what kind of ideas they could get for some new regulations that you could fine people for and bring in more revenue. This guy also said he roasts only small pigs, 50 lbs is the biggest, he roasts only small pigs.

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