
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday items

I'm going to keep all items with regards to Super Tuesday in this post. There will be a hodge podge of items related to this super primary. Some personal commentary and of course links to different stories. Keeping things in perspective.

-First and foremost let me just mention that here in Atlanta there were a lot of Obama stickers in force. In the Altanta University Center consisting of Clark-Atlanta University, Morehouse College, and Spelman College in addition to the ITC and Morehouse School of Medicine. You know some of you have been reading the blog long enough to know this. LOL

Anyway it's safe to say that there are more Obama supporters down here than Clinton. I haven't seen the amount of stickers or even literature on Clinton or anybody else as I have for Obama. If the AUC was a precinct Obama might win!

EDIT: I forgot to mention that apparently Chelsea Clinton campaign at Spelman College, I blogged about that last week.

-BTW, according to FOX News Georgia polls will close at 7PM

-The Bench relayed news that Huckabee has won in West Virginia.

-From Right on the homepage I see pics of all the celebrites who support either Sen. Hillary Clinton or Obama. I see that 50 Cent is up and I must admit I'm shocked he's with Hillary. He's a relatively young guy too. Here's the article pic is under.

-CBS News reports that the Dow Jones plummeted 370 point. Not a very Super Tuesday for Wall Street.

-Tribune: There's another snowstorm on the way to the Chicago area.

-Washington Post News Alert at 7:05: Obama defeats Hillary in Georgia!

-A FOXNews alert has Georgia GOP race too close to call!

-Remember last night's post about Steve Garfield. Head over to The Uptake or Live for live coverage.

-The Capitol Fax Blog is ready to post returns, just head over and look right on the home page. You will see results for not only President but for other statewide races as well.

-Washington Post also has live coverage of Super Tuesday by journalists from both the Post and Newsweek.

-The Eleventh Hour: Stupor Tuesday. Apparently Texans don't realize that there isn't a primary today in Texas.

-Head over to this Capitol Fax post for live streaming coverage on CBS2Chicago.

-More live coverage of Super Tuesday from the State-Journal Register. Scroll down all the way to the bottom.

-From InstaPundit: Consevatives dropped the ball! And how about a quote...

Now over the next few years you can look for -- and do the work to elect -- some good governors who might make Presidents that you'll like better than McCain or Romney, and do the other bits of hard work it takes to make a difference.

An idea for the Illinois Republican party. Hello!

-Gaper's Block Merge links to a Flickr pool with Chicago election ballot receipts. Hmm that reminds me.

-Respublica: Virginians apparently don't know they're not voting today just like Texans! Also a post about Missouri on Super Tuesday.

-Capitol Fax hat-tip. Tribune has called Illinois for Sen. Barack Obama (that shouldn't be a huge surprise) and Sen. John McCain.

-Another CapFax hat-tip. A story about the dumbest election judges in Illinois from the Tribune.

-Hotline-on-Call has Super Tuesday winner available as of 8PM Eastern Time!

-Also from Hotline-on-Call: Ron Paul might actually have a chance in Alaska. Remember while the press has boiled the GOP race to McCain and Romney, as of this moment it's also Huckabee and Paul. BTW, where's Alan Keyes. He was in the race too, but not that people either cared or actually noticed. Attempting to enforce the law and force some people, assuming they're campaign workers to move 100 feet away from the polling place.

-The Bench says that turnout isn't so great in Chicago or at least around on the North Side of town. Also an election judge fight in the 49th Ward. The judges must be the worst up that way look at the earlier story about stupid election judges.

-Washington Post reports that Hillary has won in New York and Massachusettes.

-It looks like Tom Mannis at the Bench may be onto something. Clout St. says that city turnout is not likely to break any records. 45% today as opposed to 58.4% back in 1984. Also Ald. Tom Allen was said to be leading in the Cook County State's Attorney race. Since I refeshed the blog Anita Alvarez has edged Allen.

-From InstaPundit: Vote Obama, it's for the Children!

-Hot-Air has video of why rapper 50 Cent endorsed Sen. Hillary Clinton.

-Out on the Stoop with a video of the Mayor of Pasadena at an Obama rally.

-Brief post by Pud. Tells us to vote and then endorses Obama.

-Social Media blog offers other internet streaming alternatives including the Washington Post.

-Hotline-on-Call gets smart alecky about Sen. Chris Dodd's machine working to not put any votes in his column, although he is out of the race.

-The Political Realm: Super Tuesday results.

More updates later here in this post!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An excellent round up, some are fun, some are informative. Thanks

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