
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

NU to build $90-million home for music school

I have a class with the chairman of the Political Science department here at Morehouse. He always says that there are things they like to do here but often can't because they lack the resources. In fact he made the camparsion between his alma mater, Northwestern University. And this article from Crain's may illustrate the resources they have versus Morehouse...
Northwestern University announced Tuesday it will build a $90-million building that will enable it to consolidate its School of Music.

The five-story building, to be on the south end of campus, should be complete by 2012. Northwestern is in the process of selecting an architect and hopes to start construction late next year.

The university is not disclosing how much money has been raised so far for the project or where financing will come from.

“We will continue to raise funds for the facility as plans for it move forward,” Henry Bienen, Northwestern’s president, said in a statement.

Currently Northwestern’s School of Music is in three buildings. The university has not determined what it will do with the space when the School of Music moves into the new building, which is to be just south of Pick-Staiger Concert Hall and Regenstein Hall of Music.
Oh, BTW, I did a post by John Locke this morning. I deleted it so that I can rework it. I wanted to start fresh the premise I had started on before I went to my political theory class today was flawed. And I really got more material that I will share at a later date!

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