
Sunday, January 06, 2008

Ron Paul's Security Detail -- Kane From WWE

From ABC News' Political Radar...
ABC's Z. Byron Wolf reports from Nashua, N.H.: Ron Paul does not have a security detail. The closest thing is a retired customs inspector who acts as Paul's driver and body man on the road.

So, it was a little odd to see an enormous -- truly, a well-muscled giant -- standing behind Paul in a red polo shirt, and looking menacing when the Texas congressman was mobbed by supporters after a speech to a meeting of the Liberty Forum in Nashua, N.H., today.

Turns out, it was not an addition to the small cadre of family and staff that travel with Paul, but a new supporter: Glen Jacobs, aka "Kane" from the WWE. Jacobs was appearing at the Liberty Forum, independent of Paul, but has endorsed the congressman's bid for the Republican presidential nomination.
It was almost surprising to find this. I don't know if it helps the man, but it might not hurt either, who knows.

Oh I should mention, in my excursions to the North Side of town this winters somewhere along the L tracks was a building that has a Ron Paul poster. Looks like Ron Paul fever has officially reached the North Side of Chicago.

The New Hampshire primary is on January 8, 2007.

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