
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Re-Elect Jacob Schulz for Student Rep.

I don't know what goes on at Jake CP's high school but he's lucky that he's able to take advantage of some inexpensive media equipment (such as a camcorder), broadband internet, and of course YouTube to be able to download this "commercial". The current computer culture certainly allows those who are able to be very creative especially if they have budding political careers and start running for election at their respective schools. Yes, I will include those of you running for SGA positions at your particular school of higher learning. Yes I'm especially looking at the Men of Morehouse and the Ladies at Spelman College, I've gotten familiar with how most of you do when you run for leadership positions.

Let's back up here. In all my times in public school the only time there was some excitement was when I was in 7th grade and there was a rally of sorts or political convention for those students running for student council leadership positions at my elementary school. I remember vividly guys doing flips to entertain the crowd and I remember after we were dismissed some girl handing out candy to get us to vote for her or someone she was helping out. She wouldn't give me a piece, probably because I was ugly or something (lol) so I'm sure I didn't vote for her if I could help it.

After that students generally weren't allowed to vote for student council officers. They kind of closed votes to only members of the student council instead of allowing the students to show their leadership and campaigning skills. And kept voting within a very small group. If the rest of the student population could vote at all they could vote for classroom representatives. This trend continued when I went to high school there were no open elections for student council officers. We voted for division representatives again and they would vote for student council officers. I couldn't even begin to tell you who were our student reps to the local school councils (I'm assuming that's what Jacob is running for) were selected. I couldn't even tell you who they were.

Just an observation of sorts. It means nothing unless of course if good student leadership existed at my high school especially if it was an open selection. I would also hope that they were visible as well. I'm glad it wasn't me, my high school wouldn't have been ready for me. Students, faculty, or even administration. Yeah that's mostly ego talking and who knows what would have happened if I had that interest.

BTW, Jacob got the attention of state political columnist and blogger Rich Miller during the 2006 elections for a video that well isn't available anymore but my earlier post on him is here. Oh and Miller gave the vid posted here on the blog some play this morning as well.

1 comment:

JakeCP said...

Thank you so much for posting something about my campaign. It is very much appreciated.

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