
Thursday, February 08, 2007

Video of Ald. Freddrenna Lyle

Courtesy of

To be honest Ald. Lyle is one of my favorite Alderman. I don't agree with her on every single issue (indeed no one can or does agree with everything a person says), but I have no doubt that she is able to get things done in the 6th Ward of Chicago. She can point to as accomplishments a Target in her ward (and that opened before the 2003 election), senior housing and services, working on education (especially capital improvements) to name a few issues.

She touches upon these issues in this video. She talked about the big-box ordinance that she voted for (one of those things I disagree with, but all she did was vote for it and it got vetoed). She attempted to explain that this ordinance didn't come out of the blue they wanted to work with Wal-Mart (at this point she discussed the process that Target went through to open up in this shopping center known as Chatham Square).

Another issue she touches upon are the lack of grocery stores in the black community and also this idea that neighborhood must have a big-box chain grocery (assuming she's talking about Jewel and Dominick's). She mentions this grocery called Chatham Foods located on 79th Street which is the only black owned grocery in the state of Illinois. She mentions how an elderly individual says that it's great that she doesn't have to get a ride to a Jewel and she can just take a walk down the street to her corner grocer. One of the things Lyle says she's seeking or is attempting to do is bring in people to operate small grocery stores not much different than say a Chatham Foods.

Other than these points I can pull out, I suggest you watch this video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's kind of interesting that Ald. Lyle, according to, had many precincts that were "Anti-incumbent". Yet looking at her accomplishments, she's not a bad alderman.

i sent e-mails to all 6th ward candidates. i only got (immediate!) responses from Karin Norington-Reaves and Thelma Andrews. (Still awaiting literature from them) Eugene Davis hasn't responded to my e-mails. i even visited his office. They had no literature. i left my contact info, and only got calls trying to recruit me to volunteer.

It will be interesting to see what happens.

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