
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Obama is running for President officially (UPDATED)...

He made a formal announcement outside of the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois. On Capitol Fax Blog it was (well I thought I saw it) reported that even celebrities such as George Clooney and Matt Damon found their way to Illinois' state capital for this announcement. Springfield has got to be enjoying this attention right now.

Oh yeah if you look in the sidebar you'll see my shared items from Google may see nothing but stories about Sen. Obama as I come to them. After all this buzz that put the Senator in the race all I can say is good on him. He should do it and let's see how well he can do it.

Though I'll have to admit that this piece of commentary from Chicagoist is puzzling...

Aside from the fact that Barack Obama gives us a certain sense of pride in our city, we feel he truly gives our country and its citizens the feeling that things can change. This seems to be a consistent theme in reactions to Obama, ''He makes you feel like it is possible to change things,'' Brenda Calkington told the New York Times today at Obama's announcement of his intention to run for President.
Wait, huh? Where did this come from?

I will give kudos to the Senator's work before became a politician in the state Senate and then to the US Senate, but I really would like to know where that comment comes from. I mean really. Still I wish Sen. Obama the best of luck in his campaign.

UPDATE: Check out the coverage over at Capitol Fax Blog there is some audio of the Senator's speech and some pictures. Here's one that caught my eye...
Safe to say everyone is not in love with Obama. These got to be some abortion protestors.

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