
Friday, February 02, 2007

1954 8th Grade Civics Test

I found an example of a 1950s Civics Test this morning. Almost looks like the test I took back in the 8th grade many moons ago. I don't know what the Preamble to the Constitution was worth, but when I took the constitution exam I had to memorize and recite the Preamble for extra-credit and with practice I was able to do it flawlessly.

Anyway, this test was used to illustrate the difference in the school system of today vs. the school system of the 1950s. Look at this description...
What more proof do we need that our children are being deliberately dumbed down than this standard 1954 civics test on the U.S. Constitution on which Kenny Hignite received a 98 1/2, Excellent, indeed!
I have no way of knowing what the schools teach in the classroom these days. Especially as it comes to learning the Constitution. I would be disappointed that our schools doesn't give tests like this anymore.

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