
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

This morning I was looking at the Capitol Fax Blog

Well Capitol Fax has been using YouTube since last year as they chronicled the 2006 midterms. Thanks to Capitol Fax and YouTube we met up with JakeCP and Neuikirk for Governor. We saw ads from both Gov. Blagojevich and his GOP opponent then Judy Baar Topinka. And how about a press conference that could have easily been used against Blagojevich.

Well see I've been tracking video blogging for the better part of my two years here. Call this an extension of new media. We can create our own spin or our own stories. We no longer have to wait for the mainstream media (MSM must be out of style already).

Even better no longer must you have some money to buy TV time. It's not that you don't need it, but I imagine as more people get more computer and internet saavy, an individual running for a political office (and I won't push it for anything important such as governor, big city mayor, or even runing for a seat in the US House and Senate for instance) could just spend money on a good camcorder or indeed a videographer, edit that bad boy and post it somewhere on the internet. You can essentially post your own advertisements on YouTube for instance.

So this morning I see ad on YouTube for an aldermanic candidate Brendan Reilly who's running against incumbent Ald. Burton Natauru in the downtown lakefront 42nd ward (check out the local elections open thread on Capitol Fax and you'll see Reilly's ad. Sometime last month another video hosting site,, showed Presidential contender Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa talking about using internet video in his campaign. In the next presidential campaign they say that videoblogging is going to play a role, just like blogging had its role in the last presidential campaign.

Oh yeah as for YouTube, they didn't even come onto the screen until fairly recently. Yeah they were just bought by Google for I don't even remember how much but I'm sure the former owners are dancing the dough now. You know the only sites that I knew of that hosted video was and, well I'll have to explain how that's possible but I can say I don't like that as much as and that's certainly because at least with Blip the video can be embedded into a blog post just like with YouTube. Interesting huh?

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