
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Governor's race...

I'm looking at the Daily Southtown article on Illinois Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka. It lists some of positions on education funding, jobs, and ethics. The governor has been trying to connect her via her party affiliation with the indicted former Gov. George Ryan. Will it work is another question, although I think Gov. Blagojevich hasn't proved his hands are clean.

Which reminds me that The Capital Fax Blog has a question of the day asking a yes or no (or even I don't know) question with regards to the possibility of Gov. Blagojevich getting indicted by the feds. Well I'll let you read my answer, but let me just say after all the stuff coming out of his administration I would be surprised if he didn't get indicted because right now he is being investigated. He's got so many strikes against him right now. He isn't a very good governor but perhaps some of that is because he isn't doing thing ethically.

Honestly I don't care for either candidate right now for governor. I guess what we'll be looking at here is "the lesser of two evils". What would be a shame is that the governor gets reelected.

Anyway I mention in another post about Jesse Ventura who was elected governor of Minnesota and then I connect it to this election. I'd like to add another interesting moment in American politics. The high profile recall election that resulted in Gray Davis losing his job to Arnold Schwarzenegger (The Terminator though Governator is also used around in these parts LOL). A lot of people were saying let Gray Davis keep his just he had just got re-elected but I guess Californians were tired of him even if he did just get re-elected. Or maybe they got caught up in the circus. Who knows?

Anyway to relate this to Illinois. It's just too bad that is something we don't have. Perhaps we should consider the recall initiative for our officials. I remember a few years ago our current Lt. Governor Pat Quinn wanted to recall then Gov. Ryan, but as far as I knew there was no such thing in Illinois. Knowing some of Pat Quinn's history though, right now I'd rather a Gov. Quinn than a Gov. Blagojevich. Maybe Quinn knew what he was doing when he ran with Blagojevich almost four years ago.

Hey check this out...
Blagojevich fundraiser indicted from Chicago Tribune
Blagojevich fund-raiser Rezko indicted from

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