
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ald. Coleman to switch big-box vote if Daley wants

It looks like the living wage ordinace that was passed last month by Chicago's City Council could be vetoed. Several Alderman has come forward expressing interest in changing sides on this issue. In today's Sun-Times one of those Alderman was Shirley Coleman who represents the Englewood neighborhood...

Ald. Shirley Coleman (16th) said she changed her mind about requiring retail stores with more than 90,000 square feet of space to pay their employees at least $10 an hour and $3 in benefits by 2010 after learning that Wal-Mart was seriously considering building a store in her impoverished ward.

The parcel reportedly under consideration by the nation's largest retailer is located at 61st and Halsted, down the street from the $254 million Kennedy-King College under construction in Englewood. A Wal-Mart store just two blocks away would turn the once desolate area into a bevy of activity -- and give crime-ridden Englewood two things it desperately needs: jobs and shopping choices, Coleman said.

"Unemployment is so high -- we desperately need the opportunity to have jobs," Coleman said Monday.

In addition there were three others who might consider changing their votes on this ordinance 25th ward Ald. Danny Solis, 32nd ward Ald. Ted Matlak, and 12th ward Ald. George Cardenas. Coleman was said in this article to flaty declare her change of heart on this issue.

On August 9th, CBS2 reported that as many as Six Alderman were considering changing their votes on the big box ordinance. Here's what the chief big box ordinance sponsor 49th ward Ald. Joe Moore had to say...
Ald. Joe Moore (49th), chief sponsor of the big-box ordinance, acknowledged that some of his colleagues are wavering. But he said, "I'm definitely not ready to throw in the towel. There's a long time between now and" Sept. 13.

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