
Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Intersting quote...

John Kass had an interesting quote from his column from the Chicago Tribune on September 28, 2005. I found this in the Illinois Leader and I had to go back and find the original column. I don't regularly read the Tribune as often as I'd like. Here's the quote...

Kass on IL political corruption

Corruption was the theme of the last gubernatorial election. And it appears that corruption will be the theme of the next one, too, and of the next Chicago mayoral election. It should be the theme of every election in every part of this thoroughly corrupt state of ours.

The sleaze won't end until the fidgeting stops. And the fidgeting won't stop for years. It's not over. It's just getting started.

--John Kass, Chicago Tribune, 9/28/05
He's written extensively on this bi-partisan political combine. And on corruption in the state of Illinois. He even called Jim Edgar's bowing out of the race before it happened. I think it was in that very column too. If you want to see some of these columns you'll have to be registered for the Chicago Tribune.

A corrupt state of affairs might finally be ending
Aldermen? Ha! Feds today have bigger fish to fry

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