
Sunday, October 09, 2005

Gubernatorial Campaign '06

There are several candidates who were in before the announcement of Jim Edgar just about a week ago. I was watching a gubernatorial contender Ron Gidwitz on video. I have heard more from him in the media so far before I left home and perhaps even after than I have from anyone else. There is Steve Raushenberger who picked up the endorsement of former Senator Peter Fitzgerald, but I don't know as much about him as Gidwitz. Gidwitz already has two ads out there right there right now. You can look at his video section.

There is also Jim Oberweis who ran in second place for the Senate nomination last year to Jack Ryan. But he's had several campaigns that went bust so who knows if his time is now or not. He is generally known for his positions on immigration during his Senatorial campaign. He seems to have had a radio ad available in his media section.

Steve Rauschenberger has been considered the possible gubernatorial nomination in light of Jim Edgar's announcement a week ago. He an Oberweis are painting themselves as a reformer. As stated earlier he got the endorsement of former Senator Peter Fitzgerald who also stands for reform who appointed a federal attorney who is attempting to clean up the corruption in Illinois(BTW, if you get an opportunity look up Federal Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, he's been going after George Ryan and assorted characters in Illinois politics). Also like Oberweis he was in the senatorial election last year and I'm not sure how he placed but I do understand that he had trouble raising money. Can he overcome that?

Finally there is one more candidate. Unlike the other Chicago area residents he's actually down state. As a result I don't know much about Bill Brady except that he is actually a conservative Republican state senator from Bloomington Illinois. Of course he may be following in the footsteps of both Governor Jim Edgar and George Ryan who weren't from the Chicago area. But as to what he represents we'll have to see.

BTW, there are other possible contenders. We don't know where they stand and I have to find websites for them. Perhaps I can find them and make some notes on them. In the meanwhile I'll focus on those who have obvious campaigns and go from there. I'll definitely make sure I'm looking in the Illinois bloggosphere.

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